
Ark On Engagement

What We Can Do Right Now? (Part II – Reprioritize Prospects)

Let’s focus on reprioritizing prospects!  Where should we focus on new opportunities in these difficult times?

The reality is your prospects may not have the bandwidth to best ‘hear’ your message at this time, unless they were actively watching you prior to March and now happens to be an excellent time to take advantage of your particular offering(s).  In most cases, these two criteria will be limited.  For those who do have both active, engaged prospects AND the perfect market storm of a ‘great opportunity right now’, this is the time to go for it!  For those who don’t you need to be highly selective and cautious about marketing right now, as it can backfire.  Determine what you have that is most valuable, and to whom it is most relevant right now, and focus your energy and resources in that space.

In addition, consider the agility of the prospect.  Your best near-term prospect in this environment is a decision maker who is familiar with you already and can make a decision relatively autonomously.  

Regardless of whether you have a strong, active pipeline of agile prospects or not, what you can provide to your prospect is value added market intelligence that is different from the mass communications served up by the media and largest competitors.  Communicate about the nuances, the niches and the opportunities you see for your prospect.  Show your prospect base how you are unique and how connecting with you will make them more informed, wiser, wealthier investors.  Add meaning to the market, not noise.

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